James Sweasy
Drug & Alcohol Addiction Resources

“Everyone is self- made but only the successful will admit it”.
From a detox bed to Part owner and creator of 3 companies and author of “Felon” A story of success in less than 5 years.
As a failed business owner in the grips of addiction, it wasn’t difficult for me to know the path I wanted to take once I got into recovery. I was managing a restaurant, spending many hours away from Alaina and my 2 brand new baby girls when I made my first video and posted it on the internet. I was just trying to help someone by sharing my experience, strength, and hope like I was taught being in a 12 step program. Little did I know that video would launch me into living my dream. I am now the National Outreach Coordinator. I have failed my way into success and I know what it is like to live on both sides of the fence.

National Keynote Speaker
I was terrified the first time I spoke in front of a crowd. In only 36 months I went from living in a homeless shelter to speaking all over the country.
I began speaking and facilitating classes for the recovery community in a closed setting. No cameras allowed small groups and no experience required. Once in a while, I would be asked to speak for larger events that were open to the public. At several of these events, random people would approach me saying “you should do this for a living”. Honestly, I didn’t think much of it. After the third or fourth time, I started to wonder if it were actually possible for me to travel and speak for a living. Being a huge fan of people like Gary Vaynerchuk, Les Brown and Tony Robbins I took to social media creating short videos and mini blogs just to see if I could start a similar career. The invites to speak started rolling in almost immediately. Today, I’m proud to say that I have spoken at events and conferences all over the country.
Social media influencer
Everyone starts with zero followers, zero subscribers, zero likes and zero shares. Today I have over 100,000 followers and growing on social media.
One day while I was working as a chef in a very popular Italian restaurant I started reading a book by Gary Vaynerchuk called “Crush it”. One chapter into the book I came upon a blank page with
Family guy
Meet my A-Team. My beautiful daughters Ashlynn & Avery and their beautiful mother, Alaina.
I had always wanted a family but that really didn’t fit in with my lifestyle not to mention I was not in a place to manage that responsibility. About a year into my recovery we found out that Alaina was pregnant and somehow I knew that we were going to be okay because I now had the skills that were necessary for me to be a good father. Six years and two daughters later we are better than just okay, I am reminded daily that I finally have the life I had always wanted.