About Me
James is so much more than just a person in long term recovery from addiction. James is a voice. A voice for the addict that is not strong enough to speak for themselves yet. A voice for those who are too embarrassed to come forward and admit their struggles with substances…
Your Past Doesn’t Define You.
James is so much more than just a person in long term recovery from addiction. James is a voice. A voice for the addict that is not strong enough to speak for themselves yet. A voice for those who are too embarrassed to come forward and admit their struggles with substances. Most importantly, James is a voice in the fight against the out-dated stigma that has been placed on the struggling addict stating that one shall no longer feel compelled to remain anonymous in their struggles with drugs and alcohol.
James Sweasy, a true street to success story, currently lives in Louisville, KY with his girlfriend, Alaina, and their two children Ashlynn and Avery. James is an active member of the recovery community in Louisville and its’ surrounding areas. James can be found speaking about his personal story of recovery and providing hope for those in a homeless shelter all the way to the Capital building. James is best known for his social media presence on James Sweasy Live and as a radio host on RecoveryRadio.FM.